Supply, Pathologies

Erythritol and diabetes: guide to the best natural sweetener for diabetics

Dolcificante naturale per diabetici

Natural sweetener for diabetics

Over the years, many studies have been carried out on the effects of sugar on our body, which have come to the same conclusions. 

There is no doubt that sugar intake is closely linked to the onset of certain diseases, in particular obesity, cardiovascular diseases is diabetes.

In this article we will analyze how these diseases can be prevented, or at least controlled, thanks to the introduction of sugar substitutes and, in particular, we will deepen the relationship between erythritol and diabetes.

Between the natural sweeteners for diabetics more known and appreciated, in fact, the use oferythritol how sugar for diabetics.

For this reason, theerythritol a separate chapter will be dedicated. Before talking about erythritol and diabetes however, let's start introducing the question by talking about sugar in its most classic and well-known form.

Sugar and diabetes

The diabetes is a chronic disease caused by aexcessive concentration of glucose (sugar) in the blood (hyperglycemia). The factors that can lead to the onset of the disease are different, although the risk factors have not yet been fully clarified by science. According to the knowledge of modern medicine, the main ones are:

  • inheritance;
  • overweight and obesity;
  • poor physical activity;
  • poor nutrition.

Therefore, to prevent hyperglycemia, the recommended activities are one regular physical activity combined with a healthy nutrition.

In the food sector, the imperative is to limit your sugar intake, especially for those with relatives who already suffer from diabetes (inheritance).

Attention therefore not only to sugar that we put, for example, in coffee, but also to that contained in the foods we eat.

In addition to increasing blood sugar, in fact, it does sugar it is also a rather caloric food: le sugar calories they amount to about 387 Kcal per 100g of product.

To make the idea, to burn the sugar calories contained in 100 grams of product, it takes 40 minutes of light running, 40 minutes of swimming, or 1 hour of walking.

Therefore it is not only diabetics who have to pay attention to the consumption of sugar, but also sportsmen (professionals and non-professionals) and those who want to keep fit.

But how to do it? There are alternative solutions: let's examine some of them.

Synthetic sweeteners and diabetes

In order to counteract hyperglycemia and the consequent possible onset of diabetes, the twentieth century witnessed the rapid growth in demand for artificial sweeteners alternative to sugar.

From this moment on, the search for a viable alternative to sugar has brought to the fore various substances, many of which are of artificial origin, which have gradually gained the title of sweetener for diabetics.

Surely many will have at least heard of products such as saccharin, aspartame is acesulfame K. It is about synthetic sweeteners which have enjoyed great popularity in the past but are less and less used today due to the potential dangers they bring.

The studies on these substances and the resulting debate have not yet reached a clear conclusion on the benefits and contraindications of many of these so-called sweeteners for diabetes. Nevertheless, there are very many Education which have shown a certain toxicity and carcinogenicity of these artificial sweeteners.

Furthermore, recent studies have highlighted a correlation between the consumption of synthetic sweeteners and the alteration of blood sugar indices and blood glucose, while other studies have shown that some alleged sweeteners for diabetes artificial ones increase appetite.

What is certain is that many of these synthetic sweeteners they have a sweetening power much higher than that of sugar (aspartame has a sweetening power even 200 times higher, saccharin even 500 times), but a non-proportional caloric intake (aspartame has a caloric intake similar to sugar while saccharin has 0 calories) .

The stomach, therefore, perceives an extremely sweet taste without there being a proportionate caloric intake and this increases the feeling of hunger.

In summary, pending further scientific evidence, we can for now affirm that the Synthetic sweeteners increase appetite.

Until the scientific community reaches definitive conclusions, pay attention to the consumption of synthetic sweeteners.

Natural sweeteners for diabetics

There are also several natural sweeteners for diabetics alternatives to the classic sucrose.

The most similar is the honey, which has a quantity of calories and a glycemic index similar to sugar and, consequently, it does not lend itself to being used as sweetener for diabetics.

Another natural sweetener widely used is it Brown sugar, extracted from the barrel from sugar (unlike the sugar white that comes from sugar beet).

This particular type of sugar, for the same quantity, it contains less sucrose than classic sugar and also the caloric intake is lower (le sugar calories cane are about 356Kcal / 100g).

If, apparently, this represents a positive aspect, it is however good to consider two fundamental aspects: first of all the sugar calories of cane are not much lower than those of white sugar (356 Kcal against 387 Kcal) and, secondly, the fact that it is less sweet favors the tendency to exceed with its use.

Put simply, the less sweet it is, the more it puts on. So be careful not to overdo it!

One last natural sweetener for diabetics very popular is the stevia. It is an extract from the plant of the Stevia rebaudiana.

This natural sweetener it is apparently indicated for those who suffer from diabetes, thanks to its non-existent caloric intake and to some functions of facilitating the transport of sugar in the blood. Nevertheless, the lack of in-depth studies requires caution, in fact no studies have been carried out on the prolonged use of stevia.

One aspect of stevia that not everyone likes, however, is its flavor. With a taste very similar to that of licorice, this one natural sweetener for diabetics it is not for all palates and is not suitable for the preparation of desserts or other sweet dishes, given the pronounced taste.

Erythritol and diabetes

A separate chapter is dedicated instead toerythritol. L'erythritol belongs to the aforementioned category of natural sweeteners for diabetics, but it deserves to be treated separately.

The reason for this choice derives from the fact that theerythritol it is the sweetener that is best suited for use in the diet of diabetic subjects.

Of the properties oferythritol it has already been extensively discussed in a previous article. Therefore in this article we will limit ourselves to summarize its characteristics and focus our attention on the relationship between erythritol and diabetes.

L'erythritol it is a polyol, that is a hydrogenated carbohydrate, of natural origin and an excellent one natural sweetener for diabetics, in the sense that it has a glycemic index and an insulin index almost equal to 0 and, therefore, does not affect the insulin hormone.

The popularity that has recently been affecting this natural sweetener for diabetics it is due to the fact that it has a series of advantageous characteristics both with respect to normal sucrose and with respect to artificial sweeteners.

Let's start by saying that theerythritol it has a sweetening power equal to 70% compared to normal sucrose, has no aftertaste and does not contribute to the formation of cavities.

But the most interesting aspect concerns the modality of assimilation oferythritol by the body. With a zero calorie index, this one natural sweetener it is only minimally assimilated by the intestine (about 10%) while in the remaining 90% it is expelled directly.

Being a relatively new food, there are few studies on it, nevertheless erythritol is a candidate with full rights as excellent natural sweetener for diabetics.


But there is therefore one sugar for diabetics? The answer is yes and no. Yes in the sense that there are different alternatives to sugar, no in the sense that even the latter have some contraindications to pay attention to.

Pending the response of scientific studies, the natural sweetener which has the best characteristics and, at the same time, the fewest contraindications is certainlyerythritol.

It arises by right as number one sugar substitute, seeing is believing!

Visit the shop and don't miss our products like theErythritol powder.


  1. CIRO DI MARZIO says:

    Negli USA Starbucks lo affianca agli altri zuccheri(quindi gratuitamente) ormai da tempo

    1. BiolineIntegratori says:

      Grazie per la sua testimonianza. Infatti è noto che negli USA un’elevata percentuale della popolazione soffre di diabete, obesità e altre patologie correlate. Sarebbe forse utile anche in Italia adoperarsi maggiormente in tal senso

  2. Raffaele Corrado says:

    Abbastanza chiaro ma dove si compra l’eri tritolo?

  3. Come calcolare la quantità di eritritolo rispetto al miele indicato in una ricetta per diabetici?

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