1. Each product has been assigned a number of points that can be viewed next to the item on sale.
  2. Bio Line Points will be awarded free of charge for each purchase, with the exception of cash on delivery orders.
  3. The points acquired with the bank transfer payment method will be loaded after registration of the payment.
  4. The accumulated points are valid for obtaining the gadgets offered, the list of which can be consulted in the dedicated section of the site www.biolineintegratori.com/gadget/
  5. 3 points will be assigned to each euro spent.
  6. Points are not redeemable for shopping cart discounts.
  7. Requirements to participate in the points collection:
  8. the following categories are excluded from the points collection:
  • dealers
  • laboratories
  • pharmacies
  1. The customer can view the status of the points collection in their account biolineintegratori.com using their registration credentials 24 hours after the last purchase.
  2. Gadgets can only be shipped in conjunction with an order.
  3. No exchanges or returns of gadgets are accepted.
  4. The partial or total refund of an order involves the cancellation of the points assigned to the products concerned.
  5. The customer can unsubscribe from the points collection at any time by sending a request via email to info@biolineintegratori.com; any points accumulated will be lost.

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